Tuesday, October 27, 2009
I can't live without PIZZA

Monday, October 26, 2009

2/3 cup carrots, sliced
1/2 cup onions, diced
2 garlic cloves, crushed
3 cups fat-free broth (beef, chicken, or vegetable)
1 1/2 cups green cabbage, shredded
1/2 cup green beans
1 tbsp. tomato paste
1/2 tsp. basil
1/4 tsp. oregano
1/4 tsp. salt
1/2 cup diced zucchini
Spray a large saucepan with non-stick cooking spray.
Step 2
Saute carrots, onions and garlic over a low heat for 5 minutes over a low heat to help them soften.
Step 3
Add broth, cabbage, green beans, tomato paste, basil, oregano and salt.
Step 4
Increase heat and bring to a boil.
Step 5
Reduce heat, cover, and simmer for 15 minutes or until beans are tender.
Step 6
Stir in zucchini and return to simmer for 4 to 5 minutes.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Slow Cooker Chicken Tortilla Soup
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Iced Vanilla Soy Latte

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Sweet & Sour Chicken

** If you are feeling ambitious (not lazy), nix the bag of frozen veggies, and cut your own! I used green and red bell peppers, 2 stalks of green onions, broccoli, and some sugar snap peas — SOOOOOO yummy!
Directions:Cut the raw chicken breast into bite sized pieces. Spray your crock-pot with cooking spray. Add chicken, garlic powder and onion powder; stir. Stir in sweet and sour sauce, pineapple chunks, brown sugar and the 1/4 cup of pineapple juice. Cover and cook on low for 3-4 hours. Add frozen vegetables during the last 30 minutes of cooking and cook on high. Makes 4 servings
Serving size is 1/4th of the entire recipeEach serving = 5 Weight Watchers Points
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Triple Layer Lasagna

I grabed this handy recipe from prevention.com I substitued the beef with turkey. It was delicious and it only took about 3hrs to be full cooked.
Serves: Prep: 20minCook: 6hr 10min Total: 6hr 30min
NOTE: Ingredients for a changed serving size are based on a calculation and are not reviewed by the author or tested. Please also consider scaling up or down cooking containers as needed.
1 lb extra lean ground beef
14 1/2 oz diced tomatoes
1 small onion, finely chopped
1 C sliced mushrooms
1 clove garlic, minced
9 oven-ready lasagna noodles
28 oz tomato sauce
16 oz fat-free cottage cheese
2 C shredded reduced-fat mozzarella cheese
1/4 C grated Parmesan cheese
Combine beef, tomatoes, onion, mushrooms, and garlic in large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Cook until meat is no longer pink, 8 to 10 minutes.
Coat 4-quart or larger slow cooker with cooking spray. Place 3 noodles, side by side, in bottom of cooker. Top with one-third each of the tomato sauce, cottage cheese, beef mixture, and mozzarella. Repeat layers two more times, ending with mozzarella. Sprinkle Parmesan on top.
Cover. Cook on low 5 to 6 hours, or until lasagna is cooked through and cheese is bubbly.
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Nutritional Facts per serving
225.3 CAL
6.3 G
2.7 G
34.5 MG
668.7 MG
21 G
3.5 G
2 G
20.1 G
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Spaghetti Squash

Spaghetti squash doesn't have to be stored in the refrigerator and should last about a month at room temperature. An average squash will yield about 5 cups of flesh. You can freeze the cooked flesh by placing it in freezer bags. When you're ready to eat it just allow it to partially thaw then steam it for about 5 minutes.
Spaghetti squash can be baked, boiled, microwaved or put in a crock pot.
To bake spaghetti squash preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit (177 degrees Celsius) and prepare it much like you would a baked potato, by using a knife or large fork to pierce through the rind several times. Place the squash on a baking dish and allow it to cook for about 40 minutes. Begin testing it, again as you would a potato, until you can feel the flesh is tender. Once it's done you can cut it in half, remove the seeds and either comb out the flesh to use in another dish, or eat it as a baked potato substitute. In that case add the usual toppings of butter, cheese, sour cream, etcetera, to taste.
To boil a spaghetti squash bring a large pan of water to a boil then carefully place the entire squash in the pan. Test it after about 20 minutes by trying to pierce the rind with a large fork. When the fork easily passes through, the squash is done. Let it stand a few minutes to cool before you cut it in half to remove the seeds and comb out the spaghetti.
If you'd like to microwave your squash, cut it in half and remove the seeds first. Place the halves in a microwave dish and add 1/4 cup water. Cover the pan with plastic wrap and cook the squash about 10 minutes on high. Depending on your microwave and the size of the squash, the exact time will vary. Again, test it for softness.
If you'd like your spaghetti squash to cook while you're at work, buy one that is small enough to fit in your crock pot. Prepare it as if you were going to bake it, by piercing the rind of the whole squash several times. Place it in the crock pot with 2 cups of water before you leave for work. By the time you get home 8 or 9 hours later it should just be ready! Let it cool before you cut it in half to remove the seeds and comb it out.
Spaghetti squash is part of the cucurbit family of watermelons, pumpkins, gourds, cucumbers and cantaloupes, and provides an excellent source of folic acid, a good share of potassium and some vitamin A to boot. Many people enjoy adding it to prepared pasta dishes or even serving it with marinara or alfredo sauce. Cooked spaghetti squash can also be chilled and tossed with a light vinaigrette.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Bruschetta Pasta
~1 Box of pasta (I used Fuscli, next time I might try a smaller noodle)
~2 containers of the Trader Joe's Bruschetta Sauce, drained (I only used 1 container because I was trying to keep the cost and calories down. 1 worked great but I'm sure 2 would have made it more saucier)
~A handful of Fresh Basil, slivered
Boil water and add some salt to flavor the pasta. Then add the pasta and cook as directed.
Cut the fresh mozzarella up into little cubes, set aside. And cut up the basil, and set aside. Drain the oil out of the bruschetta, and set aside. It is WAY too oily if you do not drain! (Don't heat the bruschetta).
As soon as you drain the pasta, add all the ingredients and serve immediately. The heat of the pasta will heat the sauce and cheese. Then add salt and pepper to taste!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Shrimp Salad
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Fish Taco's
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Monday, August 31, 2009
Brown Rice California Rolls

Servings: of 4 pieces 1 pieces 1 container (8 pieces ea.)
530 mg
Total Fat
4 g
0 mg
0 g
Total Carbs
27 g
0 g
Dietary Fiber
6 g
0 g
2 g
0 g
4 g
0 mg
And only $2.99
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
coffee smoothie

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Carbohydrates and Your Diet: Good vs. Bad Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates, often referred to as “carbs,” are your body's primary energy source, and they're a crucial part of any healthy diet. Carbs should never be avoided, but it is important to understand that not all carbs are alike.
Carbohydrates can be either simple (nicknamed "bad") or complex (nicknamed "good") based on their chemical makeup and what your body does with them. Complex carbohydrates, like whole grains and legumes, contain longer chains of sugar molecules; these usually take more time for the body to break down and use. This, in turn, provides you with a more even amount of energy, according to Sandra Meyerowitz, MPH, RD, a nutritionist and owner of Nutrition Works in Louisville, Ky.
Carbohydrates in the Diet: The Detail on Simple Carbohydrates
Simple carbohydrates are composed of simple-to-digest, basic sugars with little real value for your body. The higher in sugar and lower in fiber, the worse the carbohydrate is for you — remember those leading indicators when trying to figure out if a carbohydrate is good or bad.
Fruits and vegetables are actually simple carbohydrates — still composed of basic sugars, although they are drastically different from other foods in the category, like cookies and cakes. The fiber in fruits and vegetables changes the way that the body processes their sugars and slows down their digestion, making them a bit more like complex carbohydrates.
The most important simple carbohydrates to limit in your diet include:
Artificial syrups
White rice, white bread, and white pasta
Potatoes (which are technically a complex carb, but act more like simple carbs in the body)
Pastries and desserts
Meyerowitz says that you can enjoy simple carbohydrates on occasion, you just don't want them to be your primary sources of carbs. And within the simple carb category, there are better choices — a baked potato, white rice, and regular pasta — than others — chips, cakes, pies, and cookies.
Carbohydrates in the Diet: The Detail on Complex Carbohydrates
Complex carbohydrates are considered "good" because of the longer series of sugars that make them up and take the body more time to break down. They generally have a lower glycemic load, which means that you will get lower amounts of sugars released at a more consistent rate — instead of peaks and valleys —to keep you going throughout the day.
Picking complex carbohydrates over simple carbohydrates is a matter of making some simple substitutions when it comes to your meals. "Have brown rice instead of white rice, have whole-wheat pasta instead of plain white pasta," says Meyerowitz.
To know if a packaged food is made of simple or complex carbohydrates, look at the label. "Read the box so you know what exactly you're getting. If the first ingredient is whole-wheat flour or whole-oat flower, it's likely going to be a complex carbohydrate,” says Meyerowitz. "And if there's fiber there, it's probably more complex in nature."
Carbohydrates in the Diet: The Glycemic Load Factor
Describing carbs as being either simple or complex is one way to classify them, but nutritionists and dietitians now use another concept to guide people in making decisions about the carbs they choose to eat.
The glycemic index of a food basically tells you how quickly and how high your blood sugar will rise after eating the carbohydrate contained in that food, as compared to eating pure sugar. Lower glycemic index foods are healthier for your body, and you will tend to feel full longer after eating them. Most, but not all, complex carbs fall into the low glycemic index category.
It is easy to find lists of food classified by their glycemic index. You can see the difference between the glycemic index of some simple and complex carbohydrates in these examples:
White rice, 64
Brown rice, 55
White spaghetti, 44
Whole wheat spaghetti, 37
Corn flakes, 81
100 percent bran (whole grain) cereal, 38
To take this approach one step farther, you want to look at the glycemic load of a food. The glycemic load takes into account not only its glycemic index, but also the amount of carbohydrate in the food. A food can contain carbs that have a high glycemic index, but if there is only a tiny amount of that carb in the food, it won’t really have much of an impact. An example of a food with a high glycemic index but a low glycemic load is watermelon, which of course tastes sweet, but is mostly water.
The bottom line: Just be sensible about the carbs you choose. Skip low-nutrient dessert, consider the levels of sugar and fiber in carbs, and focus on healthy whole grains, fruits, and veggies to get the energy your body needs every day.
Saturday, August 22, 2009

This philosophy of being mentally and physically fit is the basis of spinning. Coupled with mental empowerment and discipline techniques, spinning uses proven athletic training principles to create a workout that is both physically and mentally invigorating and challenging.
Spinning is just as much an inspirational workout as a physical one. Participants are encouraged to explore the journey of health, fitness and imagination-- to experience the reality, not just the theory, of the mind-body connection.
Friday, August 21, 2009
healthy water bottles

Friday Night Pizza

Thursday, August 20, 2009
Lemon Pepper Chicken

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Sassy Water

Eight glasses of water is just a guideline; every one's fluid needs vary according to activity level and body. But eight is a good starting point. All fluids (and water-packed foods) count toward your overall fluid intake, but bear in mind that not all of these fluids are permitted on the Flat Belly Diet's Four-Day Anti-Bloat Jumpstart.
During the Jumpstart, you're required to drink one full recipe of Sassy Water. We call it Sassy Water, in honor of its creator Prevention nutrition director Cynthia Sass, and because it's a heck of a lot perkier than plain old water. But the ingredients aren't just for flavor: The ginger also helps calm and soothe your GI tract. Even more important: The simple act of making this Sassy Water every day will serve as a reminder during the 4-Day Jumpstart that life is a little bit different, that things are going to change. It will help you focus on the task ahead: Getting a flatter belly once and for all.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Forever YOUNG
Can you actually look younger just by adjusting your diet? “Yes,” says June Breiner, MD, an internist in Maryland. "And what you put in your mouth can take years off of your appearance.” The right foods are chock-full of anti-aging and anti-wrinkle agents.
Understanding Antioxidants: The Anti-Wrinkle Crusaders
How can what you eat affect your body so positively or negatively? “Antioxidants are the key,” explains Dr. Breiner. “They are nutrients that are able to protect your body from the aging effects of free radicals, a nasty process called oxidation.”
Free radicals are formed through natural processes in your body and the environment — everything from exposure to sun, cigarette smoke, chemicals, even exercise. A free radical is simply a molecule or atom that has lost one of its electrons and, now unpaired, has become unstable. This instability causes it to seek other atoms or molecules (yours) to stabilize it, resulting in a domino effect of unstable atoms and molecules in your body.
This is a problem "because the end result is a change in your cells’ DNA, which includes your body’s largest organ, your skin," Breiner says. "Oxidative stress and inflammation are two major causes of the aging process.”
The Anti-Aging Diet: Foods That Smooth Skin
“Eat a fiber-rich diet with a variety of fruits and vegetables," suggests Breiner. "Eight to 10 servings a day will help keep you young. Fruits and vegetables are generally low-calorie and have the ability to detoxify and renew your cells." Add these great anti-aging food choices to your regular diet:
Colorful berries. The antioxidant anthocyanin is what gives berries their blue, red, and purple colors. To get a healthy dose of this potent antioxidant, eat plenty of blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, pomegranate, cherries, acai berries, and blood oranges, to name a few of the best choices. Each of these foods has a variety of other powerful antioxidants that repair and protect your skin’s cells.
Broccoli and broccoli sprouts. Quercetin is another powerful antioxidant that is found in broccoli, along with other foods including cranberries, onions, and apples. It is a natural anti-inflammatory agent as well, fighting the No. 2 cause of aging. Broccoli sprouts have 30 times more isothiocyanates (yet another antioxidant) regular broccoli.
Spinach. Lutein is found in spinach, kale, corn, and other vegetables. It has the ability to give additional antioxidant capacity to your skin and enhances skin hydration.
Garlic. Allium is an antioxidant that packs a punch. Garlic, onions, and scallions are loaded with this free-radical fighter that is good for your skin and your immune system.
Beans. “Eat your beans, too,” says Breiner. Anthocyanin is found in very high quantities in black beans and black soybeans. Soybeans are also high in isoflavones, also linked to anti-aging properties.
Tea. Catechins, found in green tea, dark chocolate, and red wine, are another antioxidant that packs a wallop. “Have four to six cups of tea a day with lemon, which enhances the antioxidants’ activity in your cells,” Breiner advises.
Wine. In addition to those catechins, resveratrol is found in red wine and has many anti-aging properties. It is another potent antioxidant.
Yellow and Orange Root Vegetables. Put plenty of beta-carotene on your plate. These super-antioxidants are good for your skin and eyes. Good choices include carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkins, and squash.
Tomatoes. Lycopene, in red grapefruit, tomatoes, watermelon, and pink grapefruit, is a powerful weapon against free radicals. It has the ability to inhibit sun-induced aging and can neutralize free radicals. Breiner suggests, “Fill your glass with tomato juice or V8 juice daily.”
Nuts. Eat a handful of nuts and seeds a day. They are loaded with “good” fat that helps “plump” your skin, antioxidants and lots of minerals that are good for your skin, too.
Salmon. “Eat salmon at least three times a week,” says Breiner. “It has a host of benefits for your skin, from the omega-3s to the high-quality protein. Make it a regular in your diet, and you will see plumper, more youthful skin in about six weeks.”
Water. Stay hydrated: Drink six to eight glasses of water a day. (And if you are drinking decaffeinated tea, that counts.) Caffeinated beverages can dehydrate you, which can contribute to dry, sallow-looking skin.
Eat fruits and vegetables raw when possible. If you cook them, steaming is the best way to go to keep all of the anti-aging, anti-wrinkle antioxidants. At the same time, cut down on sweets. Avoid processed, refined foods and sugars, which can increase free-radical activity.
If you choose from all these wonderful anti-aging and anti-wrinkle foods as often as possible, you will be on your way to a healthier, younger-looking you.
Monday's Dinner
Monday, August 17, 2009
Sunday Funday

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Clean Tuna